8/1/21 Sunday Service
Title: Wardrobe Changed
Text: Colossians 3:12-17
In our sermon today, we look at the ten characteristics that Christians put on when Christ dwells in our lives. We will see that we can only put on these characteristics when we allow Christ full access to our lives. Christians should strip off their old nature and put on the new. When Christ dwells in us, he will direct us and allow us to do things that we cannot do in our own strength. Putting on these characteristics will change our relationship with other and our actions. Let’s let Christ have full access to our lives.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone in church leadership.
Below are the timings for each part of the service:
0:05 Welcome & Announcements-Dr. Josh Peeler
6:55 Worship Music- “Bond of Love” #384 (all verses)
9:16 Worship Music- “Take the Name of Jesus With You” #576 (all verses)
11:23 Call to Worship- 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 – Dr. Josh Peeler
12:23 Worship Music– “Bring them In” – Men’s Chorus
15:08 Youth Summer Fun days recap video with testimonies
21:52 Sermon- Wardrobe Change– Colossians 3:12-17 – Rev. Josh Connor
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone in church leadership.
CCLI License # 1692844
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