2020 Candlelight Service
December 16, 2020
12/16/20 Candlelight service
Title: The Wise Guys
Text: Matthew 2:1-12
In our sermon today, we look at the story of the wise men coming to see Jesus. We will see that they came from around Persia, which is modern day Iraq. They came with many people with them to protect them and take care of their caravan. The first when to see Herod in Jerusalem, as that would be the place in Israel where a King would be born. Herod consulted with his advisors and they told him that Bethlehem was where the king would be born. Herod send the wise men to Bethlehem and told them to report back what they found. The wise men found Jesus and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. When the wise men were prepared to return home, and angel appeared to them in a dream and told them to go another way.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone in church leadership.
Music Acknowledgements:
CCLI License # 1692844
“Angels We Have Heard On High” authors Edward S. Barnes and James Chadwick
“O Little Town Of Bethlehem” words and music by Lewis H. Redner and Phillips Brooks
“Silent Nightl” authors Franz X. Gruber, John F. Young, Joseph Mohr
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