What can I wear to church?
Wear whatever you like. We have people who wear overalls, suits, or jeans.
What can I expect when I arrive?
We recently completed a major renovation of our education building. As a result, we have brand new classrooms. The sanctuary was also just repainted, and we have brand new restrooms.
What kind of music do you have?
We have a blended worship service that utilizes both traditional and contemporary music. Our congregational singing is typically hymns. Our church is blessed to have many talented musicians who sing a variety of worship styles, including southern gospel and contemporary Christian music.
What activities do you have for my children?
We have both Sunday and Wednesday activities for children of all ages. On Sundays, we have Sunday School at 9:30 am. During the Sunday morning worship service, children age 3 through third grade are invited to attend Children’s Church.
The youth (6th -12 grade) meet every Wednesday in the youth room for a time of fellowship, Bible study, and fun. Our youth room in located in the basement of the fellowship hall. We also have Girls in Action (GA) and Royal Ambassadors (RA) for children in 1st-5th grade.
How are you involved in the community?
We participate in the back pack program at B. Everett Jordan Elementary School. This program provides food to food insecure children in the community. We also participate in NC DOT Adopt-A-Highway program on Mt. Olive Church Road. Our Men’s Ministry constructs ramps and helps with other household repairs for people in need in our community.
How do I become a member?
You can become a member by letter of transfer from another church, or by a statement of faith. Believer’s baptism by immersion is a prerequisite for church membership.